Gestion Immoplex was one of the building managers who reacted first and foremost to the crisis by procuring the necessary sanitary equipment for its buildings from its preferred suppliers. Gestion Immoplex has been able to respond to emergency measures and continues to serve its buildings well and ensures maintenance and security with rigor!
The president of Gestion Immoplex Mr. Éric Pierre was asked by journalists as an expert and the Immoplex management team is very proud of it!
The Gestion Immoplex team would like to thank all its syndicates who show great confidence in the work of Gestion Immoplex!
Soyez prudents et suivez les règles sanitaires et de distanciation sociale autant que possible.
Thank you from the Immoplex Management team!
There was a kind of race against time to find products, but we were proactive and got Purell very early from our suppliers.
Eric Pierre, President of Gestion Immoplex
COVID-19: property managers in prevention mode
As a precautionary measure, since Friday we have closed all gyms, community halls, reception halls, swimming pools, etc. », announces Éric Pierre, president of Gestion ImmoPlex, which manages more than 50 buildings in Montreal and its surroundings.
Eric Pierre, President of Gestion Immoplex
See the article on the La Presse website: